StrapMaster 505
Custom Strap Bending and Pre Seal Machine.
Designed for the needs of Full Service Processors of Rolled Steel, Aluminium, and Copper, Packaging and Insulation Contractors who require a high volume of precut strapping with seals pre installed.
Strapmaster 505 |
strapmaster 505 |
Finished Strap with Seal installed |
strapmaster 505 |
The StrapMaster 505 uses .75 Wide Strapping and Compatible Seals. Straps can be made any length from 3ft. to 20ft. and in quantities up to 99, at a time. The StrapMaster 505 was created to run unattended for maximum efficiency.
Optional Equipment: The Model 505 shown has the capacity of a 100 lb roll. This Model can be retrofitted with a 1000 lb roll for more straps per roll. This Model can also be fitted with Revolving or Blinking Lights to signal operator that the quantity has been achieved. This Model could be fitted with wheels for added mobility around your facility.
StrapMaster 505
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